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Hi, I am Cunji Song. Nice to meet you!


I am a graduate student at UC San Diego.
Here are some projects I did. For more information, feel free to contact me .

Related Expereince

Online Book Store
It's about bookstore and is similar to other E-Commerce website. It contains:
- User Signup and Login
- User profile management
- Product Management
- Shopping Cart
- Order checkout and order history
- Automatic email confirmation
Compus Competition:
--Garbage classification assistance-especially useful for helping citizens classify the recyclable and non-recyclable trash,
--Python, AWS, Sequel Pro, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Tecent Hackthon
--A team cooperating system
--technique stack: Sping boot, React, AWS, Git,Docker

Personal Project

Personal Project Management Tool
it is similar for all E-Commerce website. Those modules contains:
- User Signup and Login
- User profile management
- Product Management
- Shopping Cart
- Order checkout and order history
- Automatic email confirmation
A Fault-Tolerant Diestributed Storage System with Raft
--Built a fault-tolerant key/value distributed storage system using Go, with the replicated state machine protocol Raft to keep consistency.
--Persisted the system state when servers exit. And adopted log compaction to reduce the size of log stored in each servers, maintained a strong consistency by sending snapshot to followers.
--Partitioned the storage system to improve the system throughput. The system is able to shift shards among replica groups for load balancing.
Fancy Game Competition:
--An Alien Invasion game
--Programming language and library: Python, Pygame, AWS, Git

Course Projects


Social Network Model, UCSD

- Designed and implemented a social network model using relationship data from IMDB to test the " six adegrees of separation"

- Find the shortest relationship path from one actor to another actor through shared movies.

- Predicting future links in a social network and infer future collaboration.

- Language and frameworks: C++, Meson, Dijkstra algorithm, Kruskal algorithm

Navigation & Recommendation System:

-Find out the shortest path from A to B.

-C++, A* algorothm

Huffman Encoding and Compression, UCSD

- Implement a Huffman Coding Tree and bitwise i/o to compress files.

- Statistically, the data compression ratio reaches up to 60%.

- Language and frameworks: C++, Huffman Tree
